"Brighter Future Ahead: Building Networks and Connecting Dreams" on June 21, 2022, Tuesday (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM)


Many students have been thinking about their future paths and careers since graduation season started. This event will prepare students for what they might expect in the real world!

We are welcoming everybody particularly Psych Students to be important for our online course named "More promising time to come Ahead: Building Networks and Connecting Dreams" on June 21, 2022, Tuesday (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) by means of Microsoft Teams and Facebook Live, to be introduced by fourth Year Psychology Students as fractional satisfaction to their course subject: Practicum in Psychology.

The occasion will include a few motivating conversations from our speakers, Ms. Gladys M. Babiera, RPm, MSP and Ms. Bea Zharina B. Pascual, MP, RPm, LPT, CHRA

Save the date and pre-register now!

See you there!

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