First Call for Special Sessions | 18th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2022)

First Call for Special Sessions 

18th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2022) 

On the World Wide Web
December 13-15, 2022

We welcome you to submit extraordinary meeting recommendations on any point connected with the wide areas of interest for the accompanying gathering.

The unique meeting ought to cover a point that is contemporary, novel, hot, and correlative to the standard meetings. The extraordinary meeting ought to have the option to produce excitement among the gathering members.

Scientists keen on sorting out Special Sessions/Workshops are welcome to present a conventional proposition to the unique meeting seat Dr. Gabriella Casalino (

Required data:• 

Meeting name (recorded previously)

• unique Session/Workshop Title

• Goals and Scope of the Special Session/Workshop (~half a page)

• A rundown of primary subjects of the Special Session/Workshop

• Unique Session/Workshop Lead Organizer email address, alliance, nation, and scaled down bio.
• Co-Organizer(s) subtleties (email address, association, country)
• A rundown of potential/anticipated benefactors (discretionary)

Kindly note that in the event of acknowledgment of the Special Session proposition, you will be approached to scatter your call for paper to draw in entries. A base number of 5 acknowledged and enlisted papers is required for the Session (10 for the Workshops). Extraordinary meeting coordinators will be expected to audit the papers having a place with their meeting (to this point sub-commentators are permitted). These two necessities are obligatory for a Special Session/Workshop to be dynamic.

Recommendations should be submitted according to schedule of August 31, 2022. Exceptional Sessions/Workshops calls will be on the meetings sites when acknowledged.

Gratitude for your commitment and backing !
For more such opportunities, please join
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